Mi-One Brands Ranked as Top Workplace in Arizona

Today, we are pleased to announce that Mi-One Brands claimed the coveted title as the Top Workplace in Arizona in 2023. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the founders of our organization, Geoff and Amir, and the entire Mi-One team.

Geoff and Amir also walked off with the hardware for Great Leadership, ranking first in the category for 35 to 149 employees. 

But we also must extend thanks and gratitude to the loyal customers and partners who have made the success of Mi-One Brands and Mi-One Wholesale possible.

Mi-Pod co-founders Geoff Habicht and Amir Hakak have shown an uncanny ability to navigate the challenging headwinds faced by the vaping industry. These dual awards represent a triumph of both their own spirit, and the professionalism of the Mi-One Team. For a vaping company to receive such accolades reflects well on the vaping industry as a whole. 

The Top Workplace and Leadership Rankings were determined by the Energage Workplace Survey, an empirical engagement survey built on sixteen years of data from over 27 million employees and 70,000 organizations.

We fundamentally believe that everyone matters and we strive to create an environment where everyone is both seen and heard, where personal growth is as important as professional development, and where everyone shares in our mutual success.  As we elevate the quality of our collective lives in this way, it vibrates outward to have positive impact and heart-centered influence on co-workers, family and the broader community.  We are proud to be able to create the habitat for people to bloom and are grateful for the amazing people that we have the privilege to lead.” 
Mi-One Brands Co-Founder Geoff Habicht 

Mi-One Brands Mission

The story of Mi-One Brands is a tale of passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment. Overcoming regulatory obstacles in a constantly evolving marketplace, our victory is a victory for the vaping industry and speaks volumes about the continued viability and demand for vape products.

We deal every day with customers and business owners who have benefited from the products we sell, but this is a message that needed to reach more ears. Being recognized in this manner was a great first step. Check out our press release for more information on this award. 

If allowed to flourish and function without the handcuffs of ill-informed regulations and the machinations of the tobacco industry, we could bring our products to even more adult vapers seeking an ash and odor free alternative to combustible cigarettes. This is just as true for our valued partners. We must stand together. 

For over 14 years, Geoff and Amir have cultivated Mi-One Brands like skilled gardeners. Nurturing the talents of the Mi-One team while navigating the foul weather of the PACT Act and various state initiatives to ban the vaping products adult vapers prefer.

Vape Industry Challenges

It is unpleasant to consider how differently the National Health Service in the UK handles vaping. Everyone UK taxpayer has skin in the game. Funding is critical in a single payer system and they discard any health modality that is proven ineffectual. Whatever its flaws and challenges, it is also a system where profiteering machinations of pharmaceutical companies is greatly reduced. They host the website Using E-Cigarettes to Quit Smoking. To even hint that most adult vapers are former smokers is taboo in the US. 


Mi-One Company Culture

Our founders have fostered an environment where each member of our team is valued, appreciated, and recognized for their unique contributions. In their vision, we found a shared purpose, and together we bloomed into a beautiful garden of individuals, all working harmoniously towards a common goal.

At Mi-One Brands, we strive for more than just success in business. We strive for balance, peace, health, direction, and connection to our fellow human beings. It has always been our goal to apply these values to our interactions with our valued partners and customers as well.

We are proud to be a customer-centric organization and focus on providing a superior user experience. Integrity is a core value at Mi-One, as we strive to sell quality products, while supporting and educating our customers. This transparency and dedication forged countless business relationships built on a foundation of trust and mutual benefit.


How Our Partners and Vaping Benefits from Recognition

Customer service and our tireless efforts to stay at the cutting edge of a competitive industry has made us a valuable partner for vape resellers of all sizes. Whether you are selling a couple of products in kiosk or run a multi-state vape store chain, our value add is providing great products, educating resellers on these products, and standing behind the quality of everything we sell.  

Geoff and Amir's leadership has shown us that true success lies in creating an organization where people can find meaning in their work, where their well-being is valued, and where they can form genuine connections with one another. We are honored to have received recognition for this.

But fostering growth and enterprise within the vape industry, providing entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed is our ultimate purpose. We know that there is demand for the products we sell. We know that the products we sell have positive value.

In the words of Kenneth Warner, professor emeritus at the University of Michigan’s school of public health.

 “The problem here is we have convinced adult America that vaping is as dangerous as smoking — and nothing could be further from the truth.”

Being recognized as the workplace in Arizona is a step towards acknowledging that not only can a Mi-One Brands be the best place to work but our industry makes positive contributions to the lives of adult Americans. It is a message which has been sorely lacking in recent years. Our victory is a victory for all the vaping industry.

Geoff and Amir Top Workplaces Award

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